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Remembering The Ancient Language Of The Heart


Remembering The Ancient Language Of The Heart Love

Dear Beloved One,

As the Full Moon rises among us, casting her soft, luminous wisdom upon the night, I feel called to share with you the words that have flowed through me.

These are the whispers from my journal. An offering from my heart to yours. 

May they inspire you, may they ignite a quiet flame of remembrance within your heart and soul.

Remembering The Ancient Language Of The Heart

Last night, as I journeyed within the sacred waters of my Ritual Bath, a profound revelation flowed into my soul. 

I realised that I no longer wish to live under the illusion that we are meant, or even capable, of controlling love. Love is not something we can harness or command. Love is not bound by circumstance or time; it does not wait for the "right" moment, nor does it get fearful or hesitant. These are the whispers of the ego, not of love.

When the heart is open, truly open, it becomes vast—able to hold everything within it, like water, transparent and eternal, untouched by the frailty of ego. Love cannot be broken. It cannot be wounded. It lies beyond sadness, beyond pain, beyond fear. We are the ones who close our hearts, afraid of hurt, only to discover that by doing so, we wound ourselves far more deeply. We rob ourselves of feeling, of living, of truly experiencing life in its full, vivid beauty.

For what is life without feeling? Can we even claim to be alive if we turn away from our emotions? Is it not love, above all, that makes us feel truly alive?

I feel love is like a compass, forever waiting on the other side of the chains we wrap ourselves in.It waits to be remembered, to be freed, so that in turn, it can free us from the illusions, distractions, fears, and insecurities that have played on repeat, like a broken record, in our minds.

These echoes of old patterns, limiting beliefs and unworthiness are still playing and are not our true selves. They never were. And yet, we have allowed them to influence every choice, every step, forgetting the essence of who we truly are and why we came here.

It is time to release these burdens. It is time to free ourselves. It is time to call upon the Full Moon’s gentle guidance and surrender all that weighs us down.

It is time to remember the ancient language of the heart—the language we all once knew but have forgotten. This wordless language is the key to connecting with every living being. It is the language that the trees, the wind, the flowers, the sun, the animals, and the rain all understand—every living human understands it too, no matter where they came from or who they are, a language that whispers of oneness.

 It makes sense of everything within and around us, dissolving the illusion of separation. This language will help us remember who we are, where we come from, and why we are here. It is not a language of logic but of wisdom—a wisdom that guides us on the path we were always meant to follow, whispering the callings of our hearts and souls.

To speak this ancient tongue once more, the one we used to before the fall, all we need to do is release the chains from our hearts. Open wide and live from this sacred place. Here, in the sanctuary of the heart, you will feel safe. You can rest here, my child. Drink deeply from the waters that will remind you of your original essence. All that you are and all that you have ever been resides here. 

Imagine if we all remembered this language—the one Paulo Coelho called The Language of the World, the one the ancient ones called The Sacred Place Of The Heart

How would this world transform? How would our lives change? Would we still question if we are ready for love, or would love simply become the essence that fuels our lives? 

Would our arms become the wings of our heart's, spreading kindness and compassion? Would our mouths become vessels of love’s expression? Would our minds blossom into gardens of loving thoughts? Would every step we take become a prayer, a dance, a journey towards love, sharing, and giving? What if our hearts truly led the way?

Would we still see differences between one another, or would we all be one? Would there be any reason left to fight?

Would we give from a place of yearning for something in return, or would our giving flow naturally, as an expression of who we are?

Would our generosity be a silent plea for acknowledgment, or would it flow effortlessly from the essence of our being?

Imagine if we could give freely, unburdened by the weight of unmet expectations. How might this transform our boundaries, and how would we define them? 

Should the behaviour of others dictate our capacity for kindness, or should our actions be guided by the essence of our souls?

Too often, it is our wounded ego that steers the ship, weaving expectations that others cannot fulfil. It is like forcing them into garments too small, causing discomfort and strain for all involved. 

The saddest part of this is that we do not only confine others; we also imprison ourselves in cycles of suffering. We become both the prisoners and the prison, numbing ourselves to avoid feeling the very pain we must face to heal so we can open our hearts to remembering. 

Consider the journey of learning a new language: we do not expect mastery overnight. In the same way, we must offer ourselves patience and compassion as we grow—especially through the messy, challenging moments when we need our own love and softness the most.

What if we channeled the energy we spend in judgment into nurturing words of love and encouragement? 

How might this simple shift transform our lives and the lives of those around us? 

If we gave our pain the space to be felt, honoured, and understood, rather than avoiding it, how might we begin to heal? 

What if our thoughts were seeds—what would we choose to plant? Would we continue to hold space for the thoughts we nurture now, or would we plant new seeds of kindness and support for ourselves and others?

In the garden of our minds, what blooms would we wish to see?And if the world were our garden, what thoughts and actions would we choose to seed, nurture, and witness blossoming into radiant, vibrant life?

These are the questions love asks of us. The answers are found within the heart’s gentle embrace, where the ancient language of the world flows freely, where love leads the way. Let your heart whisper the truth to you.

I am ready now—ready to open my heart fully to love again; ready to love myself without reservation, to be loved without boundaries, and to share my love with the world, without condition, without expectation. Just simply be love expressed, honouring everything I am, my journey and my original essence. 

Are you ? 

With all my love and light, 



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